So for the past 20 years or so, did I really enjoyed my life? Apparently I did. I had a great childhood. I had a great time talking to my friends about it and laughing about those little silly things that we do when we were young.
I actually stapled my hand!! That is like wow!! *Alright kids! Don't try this at home!* But seriously, doing all these silly things really bring back sweet memories and when I reminisce I just realised how much I have grown.
When I was 20 years old going on 21, there are a few things which I think I am quite proud of doing because it really took me a lot of courage to do these things.
Matters such as:
1) Travelling alone in a foreign land
2) Donating blood
3) Serious soul searching
4) Be more upfront and vocal about certain feelings and emotions - rather than continuing to hide and suppress them for a long period of time (who knows if you can get cancer if you let these emotions just build up)
I guess something on number (4) which I think I should elaborate on why is it wrong to hide and suppress your own feelings. After all, you are the master of your own feelings and emotions. Well the thing is , some emotions and feelings - even after through many years of supplication through prayer, I still feel that if I had not been upfront about it, it really bothers me and distracts me throughout my life and it does affect my communication with the other person, something like a communication barrier if you would like to put it that way. So by being upfront with my feelings, I tore down that barrier because I am really tired of not being able to get to know the person better because on my part, I am having communication barriers with the person because I have not come clean.
How does the gospel of Jesus Christ affects me?
I think that this question is a really interesting question when they brought it up at Overseas Christian Fellowship (OCF).
On a personal basis, I basically think that the BIBLE is a BIG STORY BOOK. Like little children we always love to listen to fairy tales, where the stories always have a Happily Ever After ending and the best part of stories is the moral values in the stories.
My friend once told me that the BIBLE is the acronym for a book which contains Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. I am quite fascinated by the acronym to be honest. But that is just for the fun bit of the Holy Bible.
On a more practical and serious note, I think the Bible tells us plenty of stories which points to an amazing storyteller name Jesus Christ. Jesus has always taught in the Bible by using parables or short stories which contain very important life values. However, we as Christians are often being asked, isn't it difficult to live a purely righteous and holy life in this new age? Well my honest answer is, it is indeed hard to live by all the morals and values that Jesus has taught through the parables.
However, it is not impossible. The Gospel is not just some fairy tale but it is an amazing tale because Jesus Christ is real and it has historical basis. But the best part of it is this! The Happily Ever After ending for any other fairy tale might be impossible but the Happily Ever After ending in the Bible is possible, not by our own strength but we must depend on the grace and strength given by God. Therefore, the Bible is entirely practical and the happy endings are feasible. :)
I was shocked when my Departmental Tutor told me that he viewed my blog!! (Just in case you are reading this Rev. Chris Noke, greetings to you!! :) ) Okay, and now I get a feel of how when one of my friend told me that some parents viewed her blog and called up the school because one of her posts has been very disturbing! Oh my, the pressure!!
And there it goes, I begin my amazing 21 by staying back in London during summer, thinking through certain important matters that will impact me in life and now I begin a wonderful second year.
I now know why people choose LSE, because the lecturers are phenomenal!! And now I know why LSE is called one of the top school of thoughts in the world in social sciences of course. :)
Till then!! I missed each and every one of you reading this post! :D